Adult Dog and Cat Wellness
Canine Premium Wellness
3-year Package
– Comprehensive Wellness Booster Exam
Core Vaccinations:
- 3-year Rabies
- Comprehensive 3-year booster (Distemper, Adeno, Parainfluenza)
- 1-year Leptospirosis
- 1-year Bordatella
– Heartworm Test
– Fecal Exam
- Influenza Booster
- Lyme Disease Booster
Canine Premium Wellness
1-year Package
– Comprehensive Wellness Booster Exam
Core Vaccinations:
- 1-year Rabies
- Comprehensive 3-year booster (Distemper, Adeno, Parainfluenza)
- 1-year Leptospirosis
- 1-year Bordatella
– Heartworm Test
– Fecal Exam
- Influenza Booster
- Lyme Disease Booster
Feline Premium Wellness Package
– Comprehensive Wellness Booster Exam
Core Vaccinations:
- 1-year Rabies
- Comprehensive 1-year booster (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Panleukemia, Calici virus, Chlamydia)
– Fecal Exam
- Feline Leukemia/ Feline Aids Test
Dog and Cat Wellness
At the Interstate Animal Clinic, we believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Remember that for every calendar year, your pet ages 6 – 8 years. This is why we recommend bringing your pet in for a comprehensive wellness exam every 6 months – that’s like you are going in for a checkup every 3 – 4 years.
Prevention also means vaccination boosters. We stock a wide variety of pet vaccines including Rabies vaccines labeled for both one- and three-year licenses; Combination Distemper/Parvo vaccines labeled or one and three years; Leptospirosis; Bordetella; Influenza; and Lyme Disease.
Keeping your furry family members on heartworm prevention year-round is imperative in Arkansas. We carry a wide variety of topical, oral and injectable heartworm prevention. To maintain that prescription, your dog will need an annual heartworm test or consider upgrading to a combination heartworm/tick disease test.
Because our pets don’t have opposable thumbs – they explore everything with their mouths, which can result in exposure to intestinal parasites. These parasites can be transmitted to other family pets, and some can be transmitted to people! At the Interstate Animal Clinic, we recommend an extensive fecal exam annually to monitor for exposure and infection. Our standard fecal exam includes a direct saline smear for protozoal parasites, a concentration flotation for round and hook worms and a centrifuged flotation for whip worms.
Our Premium Wellness Package can be modified by our doctors to meet your pet’s individual needs based on age, exposure history and lifestyle health risks.